
Airport Must-Haves While Traveling During COVID-19 Pandemic

Traveling during a global pandemic is an intimidating prospect. It is easier to contract this virus while you are flying or visiting crowded public transport hubs like airports, train stations, or bus stations. If you intend to fly sometime soon, it is a good idea to be prepared and take a few precautions to limit the risk of contracting this virus. Here are some tips that will help you stay safe:


1. Pay Attention to Travel Advisory

Pay attention to travel advisory and instructions provided by the local governments before leaving your home. If you have plans to visit a city that has experienced a recent outbreak or has been declared a hotspot, stay away from it until the situation is better. Entering these areas won’t just place you and your family at risk, but also place additional stress on local bodies that are managing the crisis.


2. Don’t Fly If You Are Ill

Don’t fly when you are ill, even if the symptoms don’t match the identifiable COVID-19 symptoms. If you have a cough, cold, or fever, you’ll place other passengers at risk. It is likely that the airport authorities may not even let you get on a plane. Many airports have started conducting temperature checks and have taken strict measures to identify passengers who pose a risk. If you just have some other illness, your immune system is compromised and you’re more vulnerable to the virus. Avoiding travel is the best way to protect yourself.


3. Practice Hygiene Diligently

If you are ready to travel and are as healthy as any person can be, take steps to protect yourself. Carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with 60% or more alcohol content. Use the sanitizer as often as possible while traveling, especially if you come in contact with surfaces like hand rests, café tables, etc. Washing hands with soap for 20 seconds is also a good way to keep the virus at bay. Experts agree that washing is better than hand sanitization so go that route if possible.


4. Protective Covering

Even if you are cleaning your hands diligently, it is best to keep them away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. The virus enters your body through these places so being cautious, especially in public, is the best way to avoid being infected. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask and wear protective eyeglasses if needed. Some people have a habit of touching their faces subconsciously and won’t even realize they are doing it. The protective covering can help remind you and ensure your hands don’t come in contact with your face.


5. Wear Masks

Masks won’t filter out the virus and protect you from it, but it does reduce the risk of exposure by a significant margin. Wear masks to the airport and keep it on throughout the journey. This protects your fellow travelers, especially if you are an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Some airports will turn passengers away if they don’t wear masks.


6. Practice Social Distancing

Maintain at least six feet of distance between you and fellow travelers. Don’t sit close to others and don’t touch anyone, even if you want to greet them. Stay away from people who are coughing or appear ill. Experts agree that a person is likely to contract the disease if they remain within six feet of an infected person for around 10 minutes or more. Social distancing is your best bet to avoid being infected.

If you follow these steps, it will be easier to travel and remain safe. If possible, practice self-quarantine for around 14 days after you reach the destination just to be safe.