We are Dedicated to Providing you with a Clean and Healthy Experience Learn More

Clean and Healthy Experience

We are Dedicated to Providing you with a Clean and Healthy Experience


The health and safety of AWG Ambassador’s passengers, employees, and partners are our highest priority. As we continue to manage our way through this crisis, we are taking steps to proactively safeguard our operations and ensure the health and safety of our chauffeurs and passengers.

Per CDC and government official guidelines, AWG Ambassador has implemented the following protocols:

  • Plexiglass Partitioned sedans and SUVs are available upon request
  • All employees will undergo temperature screening with no touch thermometer guns at the beginning and ending of each shift. Employees will not be permitted to work if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Passengers with COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, or chills will not be able to utilize AWG Ambassador services.
  • Vehicles will be disinfected daily through a professional cleaning company using products that effectively kill viruses, including COVID-19.
  • Vehicle interiors will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with the CDC recommended alcohol-based disinfectant in-between every ride, paying special attention to seating areas, armrests and door handles.
  • Sanitizing alcohol wipes will be available in vehicles for drivers and passengers.
  • Staff will be required to wear a face covering when transporting passengers and complimentary face masks will be available for all passengers.
  • Drivers will wear disposable gloves to support customers with luggage.


Health Screening Employees “Fit for Duty”

  • To protect passengers and coworkers, all AWG Ambassador employees will undergo temperature screening with no touch thermometer guns at the beginning and ending of each shift. Employees will not be permitted to work if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Passengers with COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, or chills will not be able to utilize AWG Ambassador services.


Hand washing

  • Employees have been instructed to wash their hands, or use sanitizer when a sink is not available, every 60 minutes (for 20-seconds) and after any of the following activities: using the restroom, sneezing, touching the face, blowing the nose, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, smoking, eating, drinking, going on break and before or after starting a shift.


Vehicles Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Vehicles will be disinfected daily through a professional cleaning company using products that effectively kill viruses, including COVID-19.
  • Vehicle interiors will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with the CDC recommended alcohol-based disinfectant in-between every ride, paying special attention to seating areas, armrests and door handles.
  • Vehicle exteriors are hand washed daily.
  • Sanitizing alcohol wipes will be available in vehicles for drivers and passengers.
  • Whenever possible, ventilation will be set to “non-recirculated air mode” in both the driver and passenger compartments.


Shared Equipment

  • Shared tools and equipment will be disinfected before, during, and after each shift or anytime the equipment is transferred to a new employee.


Face Coverings

  • Face coverings will be available for all chauffeurs. Staff will be required to wear a face covering when transporting passengers, or when otherwise within 6-feet of distance from customers or others.
  • Complimentary disposable face masks will be available for all passengers.



Physical Distancing

  • Plexiglass Partitioned sedans and SUVs are available upon request.
  • In an effort to minimize inadvertent contact and to reassure passengers, drivers will wear disposable gloves to support customers with luggage. Customers may handle their own luggage in SUVs and sedans.
  • Passengers will be prohibited from sitting in the front seat.
  • The maximum vehicle seating capacity for a family group of the same household traveling together will remain the same.
  • The maximum vehicle seating capacity for passengers who are traveling together and are not members of the same household will be subject to change and will evolve with the level of distancing requested by government officials and the CDC. Physical distancing mandates will be practiced and protected in and outside of all livery vehicles and charter buses.
  • Physical contact and sharing of any items between driver and passengers is strongly discouraged.



  • Cashless payment is preferred.


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